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Please log your problem below.
We’ll do our best to get back to you within 4 hours (we’re pretty quick!).
Psst…we’re open 7 days a week from 9 am to 5 pm. Oh, and if you need something for tomorrow, just log your request now!
Whether you want to stay with us or are already, we are here to help!
Hey, if you need help during your stay, we’ve got your back!
Just fill out the form below for priority enquiries, and one of our awesome support team will get back to you within 4 hours.
Alternatively, contact us if you are looking for Cyprus villa Holidays, one of our amazing reservation team will assist in finding that perfect Cyprus villa for your holiday.
Contact for reservations
For reservations and general enquiries please call us on:
00 44 20 8123 1050or send us email
reservations@cyprusvillaretreats.comOur Address
Spyrou Kyprianou 82
Euro House, first floor
4043, Limassol, Cyprus
Cyprus Company Registration number: HE354565
Cyprus VAT number: CY 10354565U
Spyrou Kyprianou 82
Euro House, first floor
4043, Limassol, Cyprus
Cyprus Company Registration number: HE354565
Cyprus VAT number: CY 10354565U